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Anubis, also known as Anpu, ancient Egyptian God of Funerary practices and care for the dead, protector of graves and guided those to the underworld in ancient Egyptian religion. Anubis was represented as a full figured jackal or a human figure man with a head of a jackal. Like many Egyptian gods, Anubis assumed many different roles in various contexts. He was either a protector of graves in the First Dynasty (c. 3100 - c. 2890 BC) or as an embalmer during the Middle Kingdom period (c. 2055-1650 BC). Anubis was replaced by Osiris in his role as God of the Underworld. He would attend the weighing scale during "Weighing of the Heart" which determined if a soul would be allowed to enter the realm of the dead. Although he does not appear in many myths, he was extremely popular with Egyptians and those of other cultures.

"Anubis". Anubis. 04 September 2023
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Model: Daryl Holland
Retoucher: @ruby_retucher
Photographer: Nikkia Riles

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